There are a number of training modules that have information that is very important for a notary loan signing agent to understand before doing a loan signing.
Important training modules within the course are marked as "Prerequisites" to ensure students study them. This helps to ensure all Loan Signing System students are doing quality signings. The more our LSS students do quality signings, the more mortgage professionals will want to hire you when they see you are an LSS Certified signing agent!
To complete your prerequisite module, you simply need to view the module, then click "Complete & Continue" at the bottom of the module when you're finished. This will allow you to see the next module.
If you've been a student for some time and see the prerequisites now, or you suddenly cannot move past the module you're currently studying...
It's because something new has been added to your course recently.
- Navigate back to the very beginning of the training
- Click "Complete & Continue" through each module to update your course player
- Discover and watch the new material
Then you'll be able pick up right where you left off in the course.
Here's a link with some visuals that show what the button looks like and more about our prerequisite modules.