The Loan Signing System Money Club gives you the opportunity to receive recognition for applying the Course’s techniques and strategies to make money — and joining is easy!
For every $1,000 you earn in a single calendar month using Loan Signing System’s proven methods, you will receive an official LSS Money Club Certificate via email that you can print and hang on your wall with pride!
To join the Loan Signing System Money Club, simply submit invoices from your loan signing appointments that occurred within one calendar month, along with proof of payment to match them, to Proof of payment can be anything from pictures of check stubs to screen grabs of business bank deposit statements — and of course, feel free to black out any sensitive information for the protection of your privacy.
Submitting invoices and proof of payment in this way not only helps maintain the integrity of the Loan Signing System Money Club, but also ensures that your hard work receives the recognition it deserves.
Additionally, submissions can be made for every $1,000 you earn! That means your achievements will you earn a spot in the $1K, $2K, $3K Money Club and more.
And it doesn’t stop there.
When you make $10,000 in one calendar month, Loan Signing System will send you a beautiful crystal recognizing the lucrative and successful business you have built — and then when you make $100,000 in one calendar year, you will receive a stunning plaque commemorating your amazing accomplishment of becoming a six figure notary loan signing agent!
So what are you waiting for?
Submit your earnings to and get your name on a Loan Signing System Money Club Certificate today!