If you have received a missed payment notification email even though you have paid for your Loan Signing System course in full, not to worry. Once you have paid for the training in its entirety, it is yours for life — you will never be charged a renewal fee and you will always have access to the course videos on your student dashboard.
You are most likely receiving a missed payment notification email regarding the Monthly Mentorship & Business Coaching $27 fee.
The Monthly Mentorship & Business Coaching gives you bonus training from mortgage professionals on your student dashboard and access to the private Six Figure Signing Agent Mentorship Facebook Group and Complete Notary Mentorship where course instructor, Mark Wills, holds live video training sessions every first Thursday of the month!
All Loan Signing System courses come with a free period of the Monthly Mentorship & Business Coaching subscription.
Fundamental Course — 2 months of free Mentorship & Business Coaching
Professional Course — 4 months of free Mentorship & Business Coaching
Six Figure Course — 6 months of free Mentorship & Business Coaching
After the free period expires, the Monthly Mentorship & Business Coaching subscription renews at just $27 per month.
The notice about this subscription's automatic renewal is in the 'Do This First' tab of the 'Getting Started with Loan Signing System' module at the beginning of each Loan Signing System Course.
If you don’t wish to continue, no problem. The Monthly Mentorship & Business Coaching subscription is optional and can be canceled at any time.
You can cancel your subscription anytime using the following link:
If you are still having issues regarding payments or your subscription, please email mark@loansigningsystem.com and provide your account email address and a brief description of any issue you may be having.