To see a real time video demonstration of how notary loan signing agents are assigned appointments, click on the link below!
First and foremost, it is important to understand that notary loan signing agents are hired simply based on their location and availability.
That is it!
You do not need to submit a detailed resume, go through an interview process, or be a master salesman in order to receive appointments.
Rather, notary loan signing agents enter their name in a free database (and there are many!) and get calls, texts, or email notifications for loan signing appointments in their area — and the best part is, you can accept or decline those offers according to your preferred schedule.
Loan Signing System’s five star-rated online training will show you exactly which databases to utilize in order to fill your desired schedule with enough loan signing appointments to meet your financial goals.
Then, if you want to bypass the appointments you receive through notary signing agent databases, Loan Signing System will also teach you step-by-step how to secure the highest-paying business directly from escrow officers and other mortgage industry professionals.
To learn how to get paid $75-$200 per loan signing appointment as a notary loan signing agent, click on the link below and become a Loan Signing System student today!