If you’re just getting started as a notary loan signing agent, you do NOT need to have your notary commission before becoming a Loan Signing System student. You can enroll today!
In fact, many Loan Signing System students have found it effective to use the time period awaiting their notary commission to arrive (it can take several weeks to receive) to fully immerse themselves in Loan Signing System’s course material so that they are ready to hit the ground running when their commission arrives in the mail.
In other words, Loan Signing System can teach you how to use your notary commission make money as a loan signing agent before you even have it — through our comprehensive course, marketing strategies and tactics, real-time coaching and mentorship, and all the instruction you need in order to make great money as a notary loan signing agent.
However, before you do your first signing, you will need an active notary commission and have fulfilled all the requirements of your state. Don’t worry, we have a resource in our course that links to the requirements of each state.
So don’t delay!
All of our online courses come with a 30-day money-back guarantee! Click on this link to learn more about the Loan Signing System Notary Public Loan Signing Agent Online Training Course and get started building your successful signing agent business today!